Consultant, China-Appointed Attesting Officer



Dora works in our Litigation, Arbitration and Investigation practice and specializes in the area of Intellectual Property. Previously, she was the Head of the Intellectual Property department of international law firms.

She has extensive experience in enforcing IP rights in Mainland China, Hong Kong and the South East Asian countries. She also has experience in resolving domain name disputes and she is a panellist under the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC)’s Domain Name Dispute Resolution.

In 2003, Dora was appointed by the Ministry of Justice in China as a China-Appointed Attesting Officer (“CAAO”). As a CAAO, she could attest the signing of declarations and other documents for use in Mainland China.

Contentious IP Experiences
  • Acting for overseas companies to conduct private investigations so as to gather sufficient information to file complaint to the HK Custom, leading to successful raids by the Customs officers to dozens of drug stores and retailers. Once the defendants have been convicted, follow up with civil litigation, relying on the criminal conviction as evidence

  • Acting for apparel manufacturer to conduct private investigation so as to gather sufficient information to file complaint to the HK Customs, leading to successful raid by Customs officers at the Hong Kong cargo terminal in Kwai Chung.

  • Representing overseas manufacturers and suppliers in toys, wine, small electronics etc. to file complaints to the trade show organizers in Hong Kong and successfully demanded the infringers to pull out the items in question from the trade shows

  • Sending cease and desist letters to infringers, persuading them to enter into undertakings not to further infringe the client’s Intellectual property rights

  • Acting for clients to apply for exparte injunctions in the High Court of Hong Kong, refraining the defendants from further infringing the client’s registered trade mark rights and copyright and if possible, negotiating settlements. The products in question range from small electronics to items of clothing.

  • Acting for an overseas instant drink manufacturer in respect of its various licensing issues, successfully persuaded a large supermarket chain store in Hong Kong to refrain from selling the disputed products pending the outcome of an appeal in the client’s home country

  • Advising an overseas client specializing in engines and spare parts, in its complex trade mark infringement case covering Hong Kong and Mainland China

  • Advising an overseas manufacturer of clothing, toys and utensils designed for babies and small children regarding its trade mark infringement and parallel imports

  • Assisting many clients to successfully cancel disputed domain names by filing complaints under UDRP

  • Professional Affiliations
  • Member of the Asian Patent Attorneys Association Hong Kong Group
  • Pro bono legal advisor of Hong Kong Cancer Fund (for at least 20 years)

  • Publications
  • Brief discussion on how to deal with Shadow companies and shadow domain names; copyright issues relating to the use of AI; IP tax benefits
  • Contributor, Intellectual Property and Technology, Practical Law (Global), Thomas Reuters

  • Languages

    Chinese (Cantonese)
    Chinese (Putonghua)



    Intellectual Property


    Hong Kong

    Greater Bay Area Lawyer

    Attesting Officer, Ministry of Justice
    People’s Republic of China

    Solicitor (non-practising)
    England and Wales


    Master of Business Administration, University of Hong Kong

    Solicitors Final Exam, College of Law, United Kingdom

    B.A. (Law), Guildhall University United Kingdom